extra characters added to email when exporting

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Email Account
Just when I thought my database was ready to go.....:mad:I exported my 1000 plus contact list to csv to edit the phone numbers. After I finished all of them, I noticed that the email had some extra garbage at the end. For instance steve@comcast.net would show up as "steve@comcast.net SMTP steve@comcast.net" I don't know a way to get rid of this with an excel macro or code. Does anyone know how to do this or how to fix it easily within either excel (csv) or outlook.

thank you
i'd use either a formula to remove it then paste special as values, a vba macro to do it inplace or use text to columns then paste.

For text to columns - copy the column, paste into a new sheet and use text to columns then copy the column and paste to over the original.

The procedure for a formula is the same but you need to use paste special as value.
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