I just registered here. Thank you for this wonderful resource. This must be the only forum where my username wasn't already taken. Now there are none
For whatever reason, photos aren't displaying anymore in my desktop alerts. I've disabled all rules, regenerated the ± 27 kb photos in PS, enabled and re-enabled alerts in Options, restored my registry backups as well as my disk image, all to no avail. I guess that leaves my PSTs. I don't use many photos and admittedly it's not a vital feature, but I'd like to find a solution nonetheless. Besides, anything's better than a blank placeholder.
Many thanks!

For whatever reason, photos aren't displaying anymore in my desktop alerts. I've disabled all rules, regenerated the ± 27 kb photos in PS, enabled and re-enabled alerts in Options, restored my registry backups as well as my disk image, all to no avail. I guess that leaves my PSTs. I don't use many photos and admittedly it's not a vital feature, but I'd like to find a solution nonetheless. Besides, anything's better than a blank placeholder.
Many thanks!