email body without "HYPERLINK" ( vba )

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Outlook version
Email Account
Exchange Server

a sample email :


I'm sending to you ....

then we select in Outlook and run vba code :

SelectMail = Outlook.ActiveExplorer.Selection.Item(1)

strEmail = SelectMail.body

If we display strEmail ( msgbox )

then we get :


I'm sending to you ....


how to get rid of expression HYPERLINK

I need only text message as string ( the same as we select email contents and copy - paste to notepad )


Re: email body without "HYPERLINK" ( vba )

Does it have the curly brackets wrapping the url blocks too? Press Alt+F9 to toggle them off.

Else, try HTMLBody instead of body in SelectMail.body
Re: email body without "HYPERLINK" ( vba )

Actually, if its in the Msgbox only, not in the message, Alt+F9 won't help. (But I've never seen hyperlink code in a msgbox...) HTMLbody *should* work to get the rendered text, not the underlying code.
That looks like the hyperlink field code. I've not seen it picked up and used in a msgbox though, that seems odd - my tests all use the<> format for urls - still not what you want (I assume)...

Try this - you'll need to reference MSForms - in VBA Editor, go to Tools, References and add a check to the MSForms entry.

Sub testskrz()

Dim selectmail As MailItem

Dim DataObj As MSForms.DataObject
Set selectmail = ActiveExplorer.Selection.Item(1)
Set DataObj = New MSForms.DataObject
DataObj.SetText selectmail.Body

MsgBox DataObj.GetText(1)

End Sub
It's still coming up with the word hyperlink? Is this an RTF formatted message? Try RTFBody.

The macro I posted gets me this on an HTML message:

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