Rule to Handle Meeting Replies that updates tracking information

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Outlook 2010 32 bit
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Exchange Server
I schedule a fair number of meetings in Outlook. As a result I receive alot of meeting replies, "Accepted", "Tentative", or "Declined". They visually clog up my inbox. I'd like to automate the handling of these replies and I'm not happy with the options I've found so far.

I created a rule that automatically moved all "Accepted" and "Tentative" replies (with no text in the body) and marked them as read. It works great, but with one major flaw. The tracking information in the meeting on my calendar is not updated!

I realize that I can go to the Tracking section under Outlook Options - Mail - Tracking and set it to "Update tracking information, and then delete responses that don't contain comments". However, I'd like to actually see the "Declined" replies. If one or more key people decline my meeting I'll want to know right away so I can reschedule.

I've looked into the idea of having my rule run a script, but I can't find a method for updating meeting tracking information.

Does anyone have a solution?
Hi Control Engineer,

You are too much close to your answer but I guess you are not so clear about it. So, you actually want to see the “DECLINED” replies. So, let’s follow these rules.

  • Also select the last option “AFTER UPDATING TRACKING INFORMATION, MOVE RECEIPT TO”. From here you can give a selective path to tracked information using “BROWSE” button and save it.

From that particular path you can see the declined information as you said. Hope this will help you to resolve your issue.


Clark kent

Thank you for responding. I was beginning to wonder if my post was only visible to me. What you suggested wouldn't quite accomplish what I have in mind, but it did cause me to view it from another angle.

I've gone into Outlook Options - Mail - Tracking and then selected, "After updating tracking information, move receipt to: Inbox". Then I've turned on my rule. The first step gets the tracking information updated and the second step handles the replies the way that I want. I've tested this on a small scale using my personal email as the invitee and it appears to work. Now that it's turned on I'll see if it works for my normal 10+ people meetings as well.

-Control Engineer
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