Required VBA code to complete task when replied to

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Outlook version
Outlook 2013 64 bit
Email Account
Office 365 Exchange
Hello members!

When we receive a new email we have a rule which flags it for completion today. Once replied to we mark it as complete.

We need a code that would automatically do this. I've tried creating one myself however I'm not that tech-savvy.

It would also be a bonus if the replied message was automatically flagged for follow up the day after. I've tried doing this using rules however they don't want to run on sent items.

Any help or assistance would be very appreciated.
Rules won't work for this. If you want the flagged marked automatically when you click the Reply button, you'll need to use an Item_Reply event macro. That is the extent of my programming knowledge, D. or someone else will need to tell you how to do it.
Start with the macro at

Add this to the code after oResponse.Display

oitem.FlagRequest =olFlagComplete

You can add a flag to oResponse, but this will send the flag to the recipient. Otherwise, you need to use a second macro - I'm not sure if an itemadd or an itemsend macro might work the best. The big problem with either is identifying the message.

Add this before the oResponse.Display:

with oResponse
.MarkAsTask olMarkTomorrow
.ReminderSet = True
end with

Or, use this macro to ask if you want to flag the message - - if the messages have keywords you can use an if statement to run the macro only on the messages with that keyword.
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