Daily email

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Outlook 2010 64 bit
Email Account
Exchange Server
Hi there,
I run a retail business with 50 stores. Each store receives emails from different departments in HQ so each store may receive 10-30 emails a day.

In a previous job we had a "Daily email" whereby any department would send an email to a central email address - ie thedailyemail@companyx.com

Then, somehow all emails sent to this one address would be batched into one long email at midnight and sent to the stores' email address as one big email.

This therefore reduced the amount of email traffic send to stores and improved the productivity and communication as the one big email never got lost and everyone was always in the loop.

Does anyone out here know how to set this up in outlook or was it using a separate external software program?

Thank you in advance
It wasn't from outlook, at least not without using an addin of some sort. It sounds like a mailing list sending out a daily digest. Did your previous job use Exchange? I know majordomo and mailman can do this and both are included with many Linux mail accounts. (And Lsoft, but it's not included with email accounts.) Heck, groupwise/notes might even do it.
Thanks for your reply Diane. We used Microsoft Exchange and if we ever needed to include attachments we had a hyperlink to a central folder in a shared drive.
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