Seeking advice now Outlook 2003 is unsupported by Exchange

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Last week my colleague's Outlook 2003 stopped connecting to the Exchange server as Microsoft stopped support for that platform.

I have suggested he upgrades his system but he prefers to spend $0 and keep using Outlook 2003.

The options therefore are that he goes with Popmail (does not sync across devices) or Imap (syncs but does not come with a calendar).

If he goes with imap, can we a) import all calandar and email data from the Exchange profile? And what would you recommend for a calendar?

On my personal mail I use imap with an iCloud and Android app for synching but I am also part of the Exchange network so what he chooses I will have to go with too.

He doesn't need the other device support but we do need to share each other's calendars and send/receive event invitations.

I'd appreciate some advice on this issue. Thanks in advance
Last week my colleague's Outlook 2003 stopped connecting to the Exchange server as Microsoft stopped support for that platform.

That's not how it works. "Stop supporting" means they won't help you if it doesn't work.

If he goes with imap, can we a) import all calandar and email data from the Exchange profile? And what would you recommend for a calendar?
Yes, this will work if we can't figure out what is wrong with the current setup. is one option for sharing a calendar.

What exactly happened last week? What version of Exchange server is he using?
Hi Diane,

My colleague's Outlook simply stopped connecting to the server last Wednesday. When I phoned for help I was told by our Exchange hosts Domainz that our 2003 Outlook will no longer be able to work with Exchange. I am not sure what version of Exchange it is, but I suspect 2010. My 2010 Outlook still works fine.

I have looked at but it appears that I need to create an account that is or and I was really hoping to have the calendars within our existing domain.

Ah. I'm guessing they did one of two things: upgraded from Exchange 2010 to Exchange 2013 (Outlook 2003 can't connect using Exchange services) or configured Exchange to not allow Outlook 2003 to connect. The best solution is to upgrade to a new Outlook, second best is use IMAP and OWA (or smartphones/tablets) to access the calendar.

If you decide to use, you can create Microsoft accounts using your own addresses, you don't need new ones, but it would definitely be a hassle for you. Upgrading Outlook is a better option.
If I set up a new Exchange service in another domain, how do I go about transferring calendar and emails from the old to the new, since it's not possible to have two Exchange profiles in the same Windows user profile, meaning I can't drag and drop.
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