I must have inadvertently changed a setting and can't figure out how to change it back.
What is suddenly happening lately is that I have these squiggly bluish underlines under almost everything in many of the contacts in ONE of my contact folders. Very, very odd.
When I right click is offers:
Replace direct formatting with style Normal.
And to make matters worse, I can't do the entire notepad at once. I have to do it line by line to get rid of it.
I have no idea why some of the contacts in this contact folder suddenly have an this 'direct formatting' in them.
All advice, incredibly appreciated.
What is suddenly happening lately is that I have these squiggly bluish underlines under almost everything in many of the contacts in ONE of my contact folders. Very, very odd.
When I right click is offers:
Replace direct formatting with style Normal.
And to make matters worse, I can't do the entire notepad at once. I have to do it line by line to get rid of it.
I have no idea why some of the contacts in this contact folder suddenly have an this 'direct formatting' in them.
All advice, incredibly appreciated.