Turning on/off Rules from VBA

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Outlook version
Outlook 2013 32 bit
Email Account
Exchange Server

I have created a rule in Outlook 2010/13. It acts on my outbox and delays the send of all emails by 1 minute. This gives me time to realise when I have made a mistake, and go and change the email. This works well for me, and I change 'outbound' emails a hand full of times per week.

The trouble is that sometimes I want to send an email immediately (eg I am talking on the phone to someone, and want to send them a document or a link). In this case I have to turn off the rule, send the email and then turn the rule back on.

What I really would like is a way to do this automatically. One way would be a "send immediately" macro that turns off the rule, then back on afterwards. Maybe another way would be a simple "toggle" rule macro that allows me to turn the rule on/off more easily.

Can anyone suggest something that might work, along with some code stubs to get me started?
Thanks Diane - I can work with this. I have tried to find such code in the past but unsuccessfully.
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