Birthdays from .csv to Calendar - arriving day behind

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Outlook version
Outlook 2013 64 bit
Email Account
Exchange Server
I’m looking for someone who may be able to help with a little issue we are encountering and as yet, I can’t find anyone who can sort this.. I
Here goes.
We have an export of our database as a .csv and we would like to import it into Contacts for Birthdays in Outlook.
Many years ago, I used to import all the birthdays into Calendar direct by mapping the custom field to All Day event, use the code for free/busy and it would all work brilliantly. After change their DOB year to the current year, of course.

Then for some reason, the all day events would wrap over two days.
Not in OWA.
Just in outlook and on iphone/smartphones.

Then Outlook invented Birthdays so I thought, great, I’ll just import into there. Surely that’s the answer?
When I import into Calendar and put the Birthday into All Day Event
All the birthdays are appearing the day behind.

Exchange server is set to New Zealand Time.
Our mail travels via O365.

I’m at a loss as to why 4/4/2020 (4 April 2020) in excel is importing into 3 April 2020.
Any thoughts?
Hi Diane, thank you. Yes the timezone is correct in OWA too. See how you go. Thanks, Alexia
Hi Diane, I have an update for you.
I've found that when I enter birthdays manually into Outlook Contacts, if I enter the date of birth 5/08/1950 (5th August 1950), it appears in the Birthday calendar, just as we'd all like. One day. Perfect.

However, when I import a spreadsheet of these details, Outlook changes this import to Sat 5/08/1950 and therefore, the import does not appear in the Birthday calendar at all.

If I open the Contact and go to Details and delete 'Sat' it doesn't delete from the screen, however, the Birthday now appears in the Birthday calendar.

Try it, you'll be surprised.

Hi again,
Ok, so I went back to the .csv and I changed the date format from *5/08/1950 to 5/08/1950 and they all imported and I can see them all on the birthday calendar. Excellent! HOWEVER, THEY ARE ALL A DAY OUT. So the birthday above now says 4/08/1950 on my iPhone. This is so incredibly frustrating...
Also, the Birthdays are not showing in Outlook Birthday calendar. Only in iPhone Birthdays.
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