This forum has helped me in the past to solve some issues. So I'm trying it again. I used VBA to create a reply email and I would like my signature card to be attached to the bottom of the email using VBA.
Unfortunately, it is not attaching and I cannot figure out why. I pieced this code together from what I researched online. Would love to get it to work.
Any help would be greatly appreciated!
Public Sub Reply()
Dim olItem As Outlook.MailItem
Dim olReply As MailItem ' Reply
Dim SigString As String
strDate = Format(Date, "mmm dd yyyy")
For Each olItem In Application.ActiveExplorer.Selection
Set olReply = olItem.Reply
olReply.HTMLBody = "<p style='font:14px Segoe UI'>Hello, </p> " & _
"<p style='font:14px Segoe UI'>The individual(s) below has/have been sent Adobe documents. Please let the individual(s) know to watch for an email from <span style=""color:#2592FF""><u>echosign@echosign.com</span style=""color:#2592FF""></u></p>" & _
"<p style='font:14px Segoe UI'>The Adobe link will expire 14 days from this date, <b>" & strDate & "</b></p>" & _
"<p style='font:14px Segoe UI'>If they cannot find the email have them check the JUNK/SPAM folder. Sometimes the email network sends Adobe links to this folder.</p>" & olReply.HTMLBody
' olReply.Send
Next olItem
SigString = Environ("appdata") & _
End Sub
This forum has helped me in the past to solve some issues. So I'm trying it again. I used VBA to create a reply email and I would like my signature card to be attached to the bottom of the email using VBA.
Unfortunately, it is not attaching and I cannot figure out why. I pieced this code together from what I researched online. Would love to get it to work.
Any help would be greatly appreciated!
Public Sub Reply()
Dim olItem As Outlook.MailItem
Dim olReply As MailItem ' Reply
Dim SigString As String
strDate = Format(Date, "mmm dd yyyy")
For Each olItem In Application.ActiveExplorer.Selection
Set olReply = olItem.Reply
olReply.HTMLBody = "<p style='font:14px Segoe UI'>Hello, </p> " & _
"<p style='font:14px Segoe UI'>The individual(s) below has/have been sent Adobe documents. Please let the individual(s) know to watch for an email from <span style=""color:#2592FF""><u>echosign@echosign.com</span style=""color:#2592FF""></u></p>" & _
"<p style='font:14px Segoe UI'>The Adobe link will expire 14 days from this date, <b>" & strDate & "</b></p>" & _
"<p style='font:14px Segoe UI'>If they cannot find the email have them check the JUNK/SPAM folder. Sometimes the email network sends Adobe links to this folder.</p>" & olReply.HTMLBody
' olReply.Send
Next olItem
SigString = Environ("appdata") & _
End Sub