RE: E-mail address of the meeting organizer

  • Thread starter Thread starter Joacim Andersson [MVP - VB]
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Joacim Andersson [MVP - VB]

Thank you so much Sue, you're a lifesaver!!!

I'm downloading Outlook Spy right now.

Thanks to Roady as well for the information about the correct forums.


"Sue Mosher [MVP]" <SueMosherMVP> wrote in message
> As Roady said, this isn't the right forum for programming questions, but
> I've
> crossposted to the correct forum so followups can continue there.

> To get the sender address or any other property that is not exposed in the
> Outlook object model, use the PropertyAccessor object, e.g.:

> Set objAppt = <some expression that returns an AppointmentItem
> Set pa = objAppt.PropertyAccessor
> senderaddy = pa.GetProperty("urn:schemas:httpmail:fromemail")

> How can you learn the names of MAPI properties for use with the
> PropertyAccessor object? I usually look them up with the Outlook Spy or
> MFCMAPI.exe tool. That's easier than trying to wade through the MSDN
> documentation. Every Outlook developer should have one tool or the other.
> > Sue Mosher
> > >

> "Joacim Andersson [MVP - VB]" wrote:
> > Hi all,

>> I don't know if this is the correct news group for this question, if it
> > isn't please inform me.

>> What I need to do is to programmatically get the e-mail address of a
> > meeting
> > organizer. I'm using VSTO and Outlook 2007. Below is a some sample code
> > similar to what I'm using, I get all AppointmentItems for the current
> > week.
> > If any of these is a meeting I need to get the e-mail address of the
> > organizer, but all I get is the name. There doesn't seem to be any way to
> > convert an AppointmentItem into a MeetingItem, but Outlook itself have no
> > problem showing the information I need if I manually double click the
> > appointment in the calendar.

>> Dim folder =
> > CType(Globals.ThisAddIn.Application.Session.GetDefaultFolder(Outlook.OlDefaultFolders.olFolderCalendar),
> > Outlook.Folder)
> > Dim monday = DateAdd(DateInterval.Day, -(Weekday(DateTime.Today,
> > FirstDayOfWeek.Monday) - 1), DateTime.Today)
> > Dim items = From item In folder.Items _
> > Select item = CType(item, Outlook.AppointmentItem) _
> > Where (item.Start >= monday AndAlso item.Start <
> > DateAdd(DateInterval.Day, 6, monday))
> > For Each itm In items
> > If itm.MeetingStatus <> Outlook.OlMeetingStatus.olNonMeeting Then
> > 'This is a meeting, so how can I get the e-mail address of the
> > organizer
> > End If
> > Next

>> Are anyone here enough familiar with the Outlook object model to give me
> > any
> > hint in the correct direction?

>> Cheers,

>> Joacim

As Roady said, this isn't the right forum for programming questions, but I've

crossposted to the correct forum so followups can continue there.

To get the sender address or any other property that is not exposed in the

Outlook object model, use the PropertyAccessor object, e.g.:

Set objAppt = <some expression that returns an AppointmentItem
Set pa = objAppt.PropertyAccessor

senderaddy = pa.GetProperty("urn:schemas:httpmail:fromemail")

How can you learn the names of MAPI properties for use with the

PropertyAccessor object? I usually look them up with the Outlook Spy or

MFCMAPI.exe tool. That's easier than trying to wade through the MSDN

documentation. Every Outlook developer should have one tool or the other.

Sue Mosher

"Joacim Andersson [MVP - VB]" wrote:

> Hi all,

> I don't know if this is the correct news group for this question, if it
> isn't please inform me.

> What I need to do is to programmatically get the e-mail address of a meeting
> organizer. I'm using VSTO and Outlook 2007. Below is a some sample code
> similar to what I'm using, I get all AppointmentItems for the current week.
> If any of these is a meeting I need to get the e-mail address of the
> organizer, but all I get is the name. There doesn't seem to be any way to
> convert an AppointmentItem into a MeetingItem, but Outlook itself have no
> problem showing the information I need if I manually double click the
> appointment in the calendar.

> Dim folder =
> CType(Globals.ThisAddIn.Application.Session.GetDefaultFolder(Outlook.OlDefaultFolders.olFolderCalendar),
> Outlook.Folder)
> Dim monday = DateAdd(DateInterval.Day, -(Weekday(DateTime.Today,
> FirstDayOfWeek.Monday) - 1), DateTime.Today)
> Dim items = From item In folder.Items _
> Select item = CType(item, Outlook.AppointmentItem) _
> Where (item.Start >= monday AndAlso item.Start <
> DateAdd(DateInterval.Day, 6, monday))
> For Each itm In items
> If itm.MeetingStatus <> Outlook.OlMeetingStatus.olNonMeeting Then
> 'This is a meeting, so how can I get the e-mail address of the
> organizer
> End If
> Next

> Are anyone here enough familiar with the Outlook object model to give me any
> hint in the correct direction?

> Cheers,

> Joacim

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