I am working on an Access 2003 database to manage Engineering Change Notices.
A form is filled out and upon completion a folder is created and a .SNP file
is placed in the folder. When that is complete I am using a button to run an
Outlook event that sends an e-mail to the ECN Coordinator. The ECN
Coordinator's e-mail address never changes so it is coded. What I need is
the Originator's e-mail address to send them a copy.
In my database the Originator's address is entered in the ORIGINATOR_EMAIL
field. The section that generates the .SNP file sets the varible
strOriginator equal to ORIGINATOR_EMAIL with strOriginator being a Public
String varible. My Outlook code is as follows.
Dim objOutlook As Outlook.Application
Dim objEmail As Outlook.MailItem
Dim strCopy As String
strCopy = strOriginator
Set objOutlook = CreateObject("Outlook.application")
Set objEmail = objOutlook.CreateItem(olMailItem)
With objEmail
> To = "ECN Coordinator@mycompany.com"
> CC = strCopy
> Subject = "A New ECN has been created"
> Body = "A new ECN has been created and is ready to be entered"
> Attachments.Add strRetrieve
> Send
End With
I'm not getting any errors, but, the .CC e-mail isn't being sent.
A form is filled out and upon completion a folder is created and a .SNP file
is placed in the folder. When that is complete I am using a button to run an
Outlook event that sends an e-mail to the ECN Coordinator. The ECN
Coordinator's e-mail address never changes so it is coded. What I need is
the Originator's e-mail address to send them a copy.
In my database the Originator's address is entered in the ORIGINATOR_EMAIL
field. The section that generates the .SNP file sets the varible
strOriginator equal to ORIGINATOR_EMAIL with strOriginator being a Public
String varible. My Outlook code is as follows.
Dim objOutlook As Outlook.Application
Dim objEmail As Outlook.MailItem
Dim strCopy As String
strCopy = strOriginator
Set objOutlook = CreateObject("Outlook.application")
Set objEmail = objOutlook.CreateItem(olMailItem)
With objEmail
> To = "ECN Coordinator@mycompany.com"
> CC = strCopy
> Subject = "A New ECN has been created"
> Body = "A new ECN has been created and is ready to be entered"
> Attachments.Add strRetrieve
> Send
End With
I'm not getting any errors, but, the .CC e-mail isn't being sent.