Outlook message protection

  • Thread starter Thread starter Viktar
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It depends on where the folder is located. If it's in the user's mailbox or

PST file then no, they own that. Only by using code in Outlook 2007 can that

be done and it would easily be disabled by the user.

<Viktar> wrote in message news:2009924102440inquieto@yandex.ru...
> Good evening
> Is it possible to prevent a message removal from a certain folder and
> message moving to another folder?

> Thanks in advanced.
> Viktar

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It can be one of mail folders in a store.

For exaple, Inbox folder or it subfolders.

It sould works for OL2003/XP.

If there are no MAPI solutions, is it possibleto subclass several outlook controls to restrict windows messages such as VK_DELETE button presss e..t.c...

What do you think about it?


- wrote:

Re: Outlook message protection


It depends on where the folder is located. If it's in the user's mailbox or

PST file then no, they own that. Only by using code in Outlook 2007 can that

be done and it would easily be disabled by the user.

<Viktar> wrote in message news:2009924102440inquieto@yandex.ru...

EggHeadCafe - Software Developer Portal of Choice

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You probably could subclass windows and messages to the windows and every

possible keyboard and mouse message. You're pretty much on your own though

for that sort of thing.

<Viktar> wrote in message news:20091026138inquieto@yandex.ru...
> It can be one of mail folders in a store.
> For exaple, Inbox folder or it subfolders.
> It sould works for OL2003/XP.
> If there are no MAPI solutions, is it possibleto subclass several outlook
> controls to restrict windows messages such as VK_DELETE button presss
> e..t.c...

> What do you think about it?

> Regards,
> Viktar
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