Random signature from text file

  • Thread starter Thread starter chowse
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This is my first post to this forum, and my first attempt at VBA in Outlook.

I want to:

generate a random number between X and Y

open a text file for reading

read the line from the file that corresponds to the random number

concatenate some text to that line

add the result to the signature of an email

Can I do that with VBA?

Could someone point me to some code examples to get me started?


This returns a random value:

Dim MaxValue&, MinValue&, Result&


Result = Int((MaxValue - MinValue + 1) * Rnd + MinValue)

Here's an example for reading a file:


You can split the content of the file into an array with the Split function,

then access, for instance, array(2) as line 3.

The body of an email is available via the Body or HTMLBody property.

Best regards

Michael Bauer

Am Wed, 9 Dec 2009 14:34:01 -0800 schrieb chowse:

> Hi,
> This is my first post to this forum, and my first attempt at VBA in


> I want to:
> generate a random number between X and Y
> open a text file for reading
> read the line from the file that corresponds to the random number
> concatenate some text to that line
> add the result to the signature of an email

> Can I do that with VBA?
> Could someone point me to some code examples to get me started?

> TIA,
> Charles
I'm the OP, had to create a new profile when I lost my password.

I've got the following, it's failing at the path to Guy.txt with a syntax error:

Sub Guy()

Dim MaxValue&, MinValue&, Result&

MaxValue = 200

MinValue = 1


Result = Int((MaxValue - MinValue + 1) * Rnd + MinValue)

Dim lFileNr As Long

Dim sText As String

lFileNr = C:\Users\Charles\Documents\Sigs\Guy.txt

Open sPath For Binary As #lFileNr

sText = Space$(LOF(lFileNr))

Get #lFileNr, , sText

ReadFile = sText

End Sub

mb wrote on Thu, 10 December 2009 02:11
> This returns a random value:

> Dim MaxValue&, MinValue&, Result&
> Randomize
> Result = Int((MaxValue - MinValue + 1) * Rnd + MinValue)

> Here's an example for reading a file:
> http://www.vboffice.net/sm p=14&

> You can split the content of the file into an array with the Split function,
> then access, for instance, array(2) as line 3.

> The body of an email is available via the Body or HTMLBody property.

> > Best regards
> Michael Bauer

> > >

> Am Wed, 9 Dec 2009 14:34:01 -0800 schrieb chowse:
> > Hi,
> > This is my first post to this forum, and my first attempt at VBA in

> Outlook.
> > I want to:
> > generate a random number between X and Y
> > open a text file for reading
> > read the line from the file that corresponds to the random number
> > concatenate some text to that line
> > add the result to the signature of an email
> > Can I do that with VBA?
> > Could someone point me to some code examples to get me started?
> > TIA,
> > Charles
Please follow the mentioned example. It doesn't say to write the path into

the lFileNr variable. If you take the example as it is, call the function

with the path:

Dim Content$


Now Content contains the content of the file.

Best regards

Michael Bauer

Am Sat, 02 Jan 2010 09:12:09 -0500 schrieb Charles Howse:

> I'm the OP, had to create a new profile when I lost my password.
> I've got the following, it's failing at the path to Guy.txt with a syntax


> Sub Guy()
> Dim MaxValue&, MinValue&, Result&
> MaxValue = 200
> MinValue = 1

> Randomize
> Result = Int((MaxValue - MinValue + 1) * Rnd + MinValue)

> Dim lFileNr As Long
> Dim sText As String

> lFileNr = C:\Users\Charles\Documents\Sigs\Guy.txt

> Open sPath For Binary As #lFileNr
> sText = Space$(LOF(lFileNr))
> Get #lFileNr, , sText

> ReadFile = sText

> End Sub

> mb wrote on Thu, 10 December 2009 02:11
> > This returns a random value:

>> Dim MaxValue&, MinValue&, Result&
> > Randomize
> > Result = Int((MaxValue - MinValue + 1) * Rnd + MinValue)

>> Here's an example for reading a file:
> > http://www.vboffice.net/sm p=14&

>> You can split the content of the file into an array with the Split

> > then access, for instance, array(2) as line 3.

>> The body of an email is available via the Body or HTMLBody property.

>> > > Best regards
> > Michael Bauer

>> >> >>


>> Am Wed, 9 Dec 2009 14:34:01 -0800 schrieb chowse:
> >
> >> Hi,
> >> This is my first post to this forum, and my first attempt at VBA in

> > Outlook.
> >
>>> I want to:
> >> generate a random number between X and Y
> >> open a text file for reading
> >> read the line from the file that corresponds to the random number
> >> concatenate some text to that line
> >> add the result to the signature of an email
> >
>>> Can I do that with VBA?
> >> Could someone point me to some code examples to get me started?
> >
>>> TIA,
> >> Charles

> .
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