My Outlook PST size is about 19GB, how can I seperate it into small size of psts?

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My outlook size is about 19GB, I couldn't open it. I want to open it and get the mails in it. Is there any program which can seperate pst into small size?

Thank you

Normally, unexpected problems may occur if the PST or OST exceeds 2GB. So, please make sure the PST or OST is smaller than 2GB.

Outlook does not have a built-in function to split a .pst file into multiple .pst files. Therefore, you have to use one of the following steps to split a large .pst file:

1. Use the Archive feature to move items to a new .pst file. To do this, follow these steps:

a. In Outlook, select your .pst file in the navigation pane.

b. On the File menu, click Archive.

c. In the Archive dialog box, click to select the Archive this folder and all subfolders check box, and then click a folder from the list.

d. In the Archive items older than drop-down box, click a date.

e. Click Browse, specify a path and a file name for the new .pst file, and then click OK.
Note The new .pst file is displayed in the Mail Folders list as Archive Folders.

If you want to change the display name for this .pst file, follow these steps:

f. Right-click Archive Folders, and then click Properties.

g. In the Archive Folders Properties dialog box, click Advanced.

h. In the Personal Folders dialog box, enter the new display name in the Name box.

i. Click OK two times to return to Outlook.

2. Use the Move to Folder feature to move items to a new .pst file. To do this, follow these steps:
. On the File menu, point to New, and then click Outlook Data File.

a. In the New Outlook Data File dialog box, click Office Outlook Personal Folders File (.pst), and then click OK.

b. Specify a path and a file name for the new .pst file.

c. In the Create Microsoft Personal Folders dialog box, specify the display name of the .pst file in the Name box. This is the name that is used by Outlook in the Mail Folders list.

d. In the folder that contains the items that you want to move to a new .pst file, click one or more items to move.

e. On the Edit menu, click Move to Folder.

f. In the Move Items dialog box, click New.

g. In the Create New Folder dialog box, enter a name for the new folder in the Name box.

h. Under Select where to place the folder, click the new .pst file, and then click OK.

i. In the Move Items dialog box, make sure that the new folder in the new .pst file is selected, and then click OK.

Sally Tang
Hi ..
I see you have problem in splitting your PST files, there are three simple ways to split your PST files.
1. Archive them
2. Imoport& Export them and
3. Move to Folder
or you can simply download third party tools on the internet.
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