Contact sync help

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Outlook version
Outlook 2010 32 bit
Email Account
I just installed the most recent version of Outlook Connector on a W7 PC. I created a contact in Outlook 2010 (32-bit) and it synced with my Windows Live account without a problem. Then, I edited the contact in Windows Live and it synced back to Outlook just fine. However, now when I try to edit the contact in Outlook, it will NOT sync with Windows Live. Thank you in advance for any ideas.
I am running Outlook 2010 on a Win7 PC.

I'm having the exact same problem with Outlook Contacts to Live Contacts

Outlook Calendar to Live Calendar is working.

I've posted this problem in Microsoft Answers - but haven't had any productive responses.

I've tried creating a new Profile for Outlook - that doesn't help.

I've tried uninstalling/reinstalling the Hotmail Connector - that doesn't help.

Any Suggestions?
I'll see what i can find out from the team, but i don't think new profiles, uninstalling outlook or any other troubleshooting steps will help.
Thanks for the help.

I've also tried deleting all the Junk Mail filter lists (Safe Sender, Blocked Senders, etc.) in both Outlook and Live Mail. This was based upon some reading about Sync Error 402. It didn't help.

Sync Error 402 states:

There is an error synchronizing your mail account. Please verify your account is configured correctly by first accessing your mail on the web.

What is not clear is what needs to be 'configured'. I have wasted hours poking around my Hotmail Options, looking for something - but to no avail.

Thanks for your time.

B. Parker.
Thank you for the update.

I also noticed that under Outlook, when it first starts, one can access the Hotmail Connector under Additional Information (under the File Tab). However, this Additional Information button disappears from the File Tab after a few minutes.

That seems odd.

I posted this issue over on Microsoft Live Solution Centre Forum:

At first, Moderator Eugene C. stated what you did - that it was a know issue and that they were working on it.

Later, Eugene was corrected by Moderator Allan I, who stated that this was NOT a known issue and that the only way to correctly update Contacts was through the Server. Correcting Contacts from Outlook was not an option.

When I challenged that, another Moderator (Gwenyth A.) reiterated Allan's position and suggested that I could leave it as a suggestion for future upgrades at

Really? If this is true, then this marks a true departure between how Microsoft and the other companies are handling their migration to the cloud.

For at least a year now, my friends with Macs have been able to make changes to their Contacts on any of their devices ( Mac, MobileMe Server, iPad, or Iphone ) and the changes migrates to all their other devices instananeously via their MobileMe Account.

I'm sure that Blackberry and Google must be attempting to follow Apple's lead in this case - but I'm not sure.

I want this feature. It seems so basic to what I thought was everyone's plan.

What are your thoughts, should I be trading in my Windows Phone 7 for an iPhone, my PC for a Mac and my Live account for a MobileMe account?

The right hand doesn't know what the left hand is doing. <g> I got my information from the program manager for the outlook connector dev group (OLC). He said it was a problem with the server config. He didn't say but i got the feeling that it might require an updated connector to fix.

Part of the problem is that its different product groups - and OLC (Outlook Live connector) - and they don't really work together. (OLC group seems to work more closely with the Outlook group.) It's like a 3rd party dev writing an app and the host making changes that break the 3rd party app - the dev is always playing catch up.

It may not be a known issue to the Live group, but it is a known issue to the OLC group. Gwenyth's suggestion about future upgrades would go to the Live group, not the OLC group.
Diane, thank you for your update - and thank goodness that someone there is working on a fix!

I really like the Outlook / Live / Windows Phone 7 platform - I believe it's the best platform for actually getting work done while in the field - and I was dreading having to switch to the world of Apple.

So, I'm very happy with your news and will wait (impatiently) for the fix.

Thanks for your time.
Dear Diane,

Sorry to bother you but I was wondering if you got an approximate timeline for the publication of the 'fix'?

Not using Outlook is a real pain!

Thank you, BP
Try this: make changes and save then copy the contact. Select it, Ctrl+C, Ctrl+V then delete the original to avoid duplicates) The copy syncs up fine for me. (If you get a dialog that says a copy will be made when you try to save the contact, Ok it - you won't need to Ctrl+C,V to make a copy.)

(This won't work if you use linking as the link will be broken- although I'm not sure how well linking works with the connector anyway.)
He didn't say but i got the feeling that it might require an updated connector to fix.

My OLC guy said today that it will be fixed server side - ETA unknown. A new connector (14.3) will be forced out tomorrow but it will not address this issue. (forced upgrade)
Thanks for the update Diane.

Thanks as well for the work-around. It works well, once you get in the habit, so that's great.

If you hear that the Server side is fixed - please give us a posting, so we can stop doing this workaround.
As an update - Gabriel Bratton replied to one of my threads on this issue with:

The Outlook and Hotmail teams have identified the bug that is causing Contacts not to sync. The workaround is to populate a URL in the "Web page address:" field for the Contact. The Product Team is working on a Hotmail server bug fix to address the issue longer term. Once we know for sure when the fix will be implemented I will come back and update the forum thread. I apologize for the inconvenience this issue is causing.
As an FYI, Hotmail rolled out the fix in a server update over the weekend. Two sources tell me its fixed but one says "hmmm... " Chekc it and see if its working for you.
Nope - the suggestion to populate a web page address had no effect. Neither that no any other change to the Contact on Outlook is mirrored up to
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