lines and dots in list pane

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Outlook version
Outlook 2010 64 bit
Email Account
Exchange Server
OWA 2010 w/IE. I've gotta believe there is a simple description for what is going on but it eludes me.

When I look at a conversation in the list pane, the message I've selected to read has a circle next to it, which I assume somehow relates to it being selected. Then there is a vertical line down below it extending down to the bottom message n the thread. I think there is always a dot next to that bottom one and sometimes a dot next to the message above it but I have never seen more than 2 dots.

I've tried replying and sending messages to other email accounts and replying back from them to generate more messages. In one case, when I select one of several messages near the , the dot next to he bottom entry disappeared, leaving only 1 message with a dot. but if I select a message lower in the stack the second dot reappears.

What on earth is going on? I can't find any descriptions anywhere.

As a side note, I do have at least the conversation that has no dots or lines next to the dozen or so messages in the thread.

Those dots and lines signify linked conversations. When you select the first in the conversation, no lines because it is not yet associated with other messages in the thread. When you select the second, it links to the first because its a reply to that message.. and on up the ladder.

Not sure if this will help or confuse more, but it's the only thread i could find with more than one back and forth. The message was sent to 2 people, I replied to the sender only. The other person and I conversed between us. So when i select the last message, the dots show that Ac's message is in reply to all of the messages except the one i sent to the sender.

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