Hi, I frequently write emails with a few different hyperlinks in them. I am sort of like tech support for my company and for example if a customer asks what tire pressure he should have I would give a link to www.tirepressure.com or if they ask which oil to use I would give a link to www.oil.com. Those websites are just examples, I don't work in the car industry. Now for what I am looking to accomplish:
I have tried all kinds of code I've found on the WWW but I can't get it to work. Your help would be very much appreciated!
Thank you
- Ideally I would like to have auto-correct replace a word that I type with a correctly formatted hyperlink (blue text w/underline) to a specified website. I have tried to do this but all I can get it to do is replace the word with the unformatted web address and since most of my links are quite lengthy (~75-100 characters) this doesn't look good in an email and the links aren't clickable anyway. So basically I want to type "Google" and then have word replace it with "Google"...not "www.google.com".
- Alternatively I would like to have a macro that I can run by hot-key to insert the formatted link for me.
I have tried all kinds of code I've found on the WWW but I can't get it to work. Your help would be very much appreciated!
Thank you