Using Outlook 2010 I created two templates that goes out to certain recipients every day.
The first template is used for the e-mail that goes out Tuesdays – Fridays & will have the following for the Subject/body:
Subject: report for: <today’s date> in “mm/dd/yy” format
Body of e-mail:
…my text: <yesterday’s date> “mm/dd/yy” format
…my textg: <today’s date> “mm/dd/yy” format
The second template is used for the e-mail that goes out on Mondays & will have the following for the Subject/body:
Subject: report for: <today’s date>
Body of e-mail
…my text: <Friday’s date> and <Saturday’s date>
….my text <today’s date
my goal is to update the dates each time I open my templates. For this, I used the attached code which works fine. However, how can I format my text (font, bold etc.) as in the (attached) sample?
Using Outlook 2010 I created two templates that goes out to certain recipients every day.
The first template is used for the e-mail that goes out Tuesdays – Fridays & will have the following for the Subject/body:
Subject: report for: <today’s date> in “mm/dd/yy” format
Body of e-mail:
…my text: <yesterday’s date> “mm/dd/yy” format
…my textg: <today’s date> “mm/dd/yy” format
The second template is used for the e-mail that goes out on Mondays & will have the following for the Subject/body:
Subject: report for: <today’s date>
Body of e-mail
…my text: <Friday’s date> and <Saturday’s date>
….my text <today’s date
my goal is to update the dates each time I open my templates. For this, I used the attached code which works fine. However, how can I format my text (font, bold etc.) as in the (attached) sample?