I use Task list as project manager.
For every project, I start like 30 tasks that should be done before the projects end date occurs.
I set different tasks on different dates that is depending on the date on the last task (project finished)
Someone now a good program or help to be able to update the dates for all the task if I change the finish date on the last task.
For example I put the finished task date forward 3 weeks can I get all the tasks that is before this one to jump forward 3 weeks?
I don´t think this is doabel in Outlook task but maybe someone now a good magament tool to use combined with outlook.
For every project, I start like 30 tasks that should be done before the projects end date occurs.
I set different tasks on different dates that is depending on the date on the last task (project finished)
Someone now a good program or help to be able to update the dates for all the task if I change the finish date on the last task.
For example I put the finished task date forward 3 weeks can I get all the tasks that is before this one to jump forward 3 weeks?
I don´t think this is doabel in Outlook task but maybe someone now a good magament tool to use combined with outlook.