Incorrect dates in sent folder

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Outlook version
Outlook 2013 32 bit
Email Account

I hope this is the correct forum but please direct me if not.

I have decided to wean myself away from Google and gmail etc and decided that the new look looked like a good alternative. (How things change because it wasn't long ago that MS was the 800lb gorilla).

Anyway all went well and I imported three accounts and set up another account in

At this point I'll make the distinction that I'm talking about the new Hotmail service and not Exchange server. I'm referring to the free web based email service.

Anyway importing went well and the new look is quite intuitive.

My only problem is that many emails in my Sent folder have the current date on them when I know they are months old.

I have read some solutions regarding system clocks etc but mine seems to check ok.

There are also notes to corrupt pst files but I'm talking about the cloud based service which doesn't have these as far as I know.

Does anyone have any ideas for me please?


How did you move the mail into the folders? I don't think you can adjust it once its in the mailbox, but you may be able ot upload it using a different method and avoid the problem. Also ,make sure you are using the Sent date field, not modified date.
Hi Diane

Thanks for your thoughts.

I have been reviewing the items that come up with the time only (seemingly indicating todays date) and in one instance I find twenty two copies of the same email appearing with the time only.

It also gets curiouser and curiouser as some of the datestamps are later than the current time.

Not only am I getting many copies of the same email with today's date I am also getting many copies with yesterdays date.

Also when I delete these strings of emails I only find one copy in the Deleted items file. Very curious.

If it were a local program I'd delete and reinstall but it's in the cloud so I don't know what to do.
Hi Diane

I am using the free cloud services (old Hotmail) from a browser.
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