Custom task form issues!

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Outlook version
Outlook 2010 32 bit
Email Account
Exchange Server
Hello all.

My brain is numb from staring at Outlook now!

I have created a custom task form that has some custom text and number fields in. I have also created a custom view in Outlook tasks to mirror the extra fields in the custom form.

Owners use a generic task mailbox (where the custom task form is published) to create tasks and assign them to reviewers. The reviewers accept the tasks into their personal task folders where they have also published the custom task form so they can read the custom task tab. They have also setup the custom view in Outlook tasks.

However, I have a slight problem; when I assign the task, I fill out all of the custom fields and assign to a reviewer who receives and accepts the task, can see all of the custom fields values except two of them? The two last fields are showing as 0 to them for some reason?

And when they try to update the fields and return the task back to me the values in these two custom fields in particular, reset to 0 again!?! It's as though the re-assigning process messes up these fields! And odd that it's only two of the 8 or so custom fields?

Is anyone able to advise!?

Many thanks,

Where is the custom form published? It needs to be in the Organizational Forms Library so everyone can access it. It's also possible the values are not being sent with the form. Assigned tasks use a different form than tasks so the value may not be sent along with it.
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