Hi all, I'm really hoping someone can help me. I have a couple of people that I contact that have the same first names. When I go to the "TO" line and start typing I sometimes will click the wrong name. As an example I have a man named Ron that is in my company and I also have a customer named Ron who is in my personal contacts. They do not have the same last name but when multitasking (read as not paying attention) I have sent and internal e-mail to the external client.
Is there a macro or a rule or something I can set that says if I am sending an e-mail to this person some kind of a warning or verification screen can pop? "u r sending this to Ron Jones, did you mean Smith"? Or any type of an added step to make sure I do not make that mistake again? There are only 2 duplicate names. Ron and Lawrence. One of each is in my corp contact gallery and the other one of each is in my personal contacts list if that helps to "set the trap".
I would like to think after getting burned I would remember but sad to say it has happened more than once so slowing down, paying more attention will not work. Nor will setting all messages to go out after a X minute delay because if I didnt catch it when writting it I'm not going to realize it 5 or 10 minutes later.
By the way, I am using Outlook 2007 if that matters...
Anything anyone can suggest to help me would really be appriciated.
Is there a macro or a rule or something I can set that says if I am sending an e-mail to this person some kind of a warning or verification screen can pop? "u r sending this to Ron Jones, did you mean Smith"? Or any type of an added step to make sure I do not make that mistake again? There are only 2 duplicate names. Ron and Lawrence. One of each is in my corp contact gallery and the other one of each is in my personal contacts list if that helps to "set the trap".
I would like to think after getting burned I would remember but sad to say it has happened more than once so slowing down, paying more attention will not work. Nor will setting all messages to go out after a X minute delay because if I didnt catch it when writting it I'm not going to realize it 5 or 10 minutes later.
By the way, I am using Outlook 2007 if that matters...
Anything anyone can suggest to help me would really be appriciated.