Background: I have a client with an Office 365 account, which has a POP account connected to it, as (well...) a "connected account". The connected account is also set to forward email to the O365 account so she receives those messages more frequently than the hourly synchronization that O365 does. This has introduced a problem where all Reply messages default to using the O365 account's email address, not the POP email address. She can choose the connected account email address from the "From" field dropdown list, but she manages tons of emails a day and finds that inconvenient. Interestingly, all other clients which have connected accounts do not also forward email from the connected account, and the reply "From" email address correctly defaults to that connected account email address.
I've tried a macro to force the reply action to use the connected account's email address, but it results in send failures. Here's the code:
Any ideas? Thanks much.
I've tried a macro to force the reply action to use the connected account's email address, but it results in send failures. Here's the code:
Public Sub BHGReply()
Dim objMsg As MailItem
Set objMsg = Application.ActiveExplorer.Selection(1).Reply
'Set objMsg = Application.CreateItem(olMailItem)
With objMsg
'.From = "" --NOTE: this just fails as invalid...
.SentOnBehalfOfName = "" '--NOTE: this line results in "Your message did not reach some or all of the intended recipients. blah blah... This message could not be sent. Try sending the message again later, or contact your network administrator. Error is [0x80070005-00000000-00000000]."
End With
Set objMsg = Nothing
End Sub
Any ideas? Thanks much.