Unread Undead

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OK. I don't know why I'm having so much trouble with Outlook lately, but here's what I'm used to:
I wake up and open Outlook. It's already downloaded most of my mail into the correct folders according to my rules, so it's in the Unread Mail folder. After I open the mail that's there and it turns to "opened", I have to go to another folder (say, Inbox) to clear the Unread Folder. That's what I'm used to, but now, no matter what, I can't clear the folder and I've got to wade through days or a week of read mail to find my "unread" mail. This is a pain. Going to another folder doesn't work. Closing Outlook doesn't work. Re-booting doesn't work. What am I missing? How can I get my old Outlook behavior back?
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