Outlook 2010 VBA Coding Assistance please!

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Outlook 2010 64 bit
Email Account
Exchange Server
Hi all new to the forum although I have used the site many times over the years. I am looking for a little help to expand my Macro script to add more functionality.

Currently I have a custom button that when pressed creates an email as follows:

Set myFolder = Session.GetDefaultFolder(olFolderInbox)
Set myItem = myFolder.Items.Add("IPM.Note.mail")
With myItem
.CC = "example@email.co.uk"
.Subject = Format(Now, "yyyy-mm-dd") & " 1234 ABC"
End With
End Sub

What I am trying to do is a second button that will add the following info to a highlighted "blue" email that I would like to forward. Unfortunately its a little to complex for me. I have read numerous examples of forwarding code but cannot seem to solve. Any help greatly appreciated.

.To = "example@email.co.uk"
.Subject = Format(Now, "yyyy-mm-dd") & " 1234 ABC" & Keep the existing email header text


To forward, you would need to get the selected item then forward:

 Sub forwardmacro()
Set Item = Application.ActiveExplorer.Selection.Item(1)
Set myForward = Item.Forward
myForward.Recipients.Add "alias@domain.com"
myForward.Subject = Format(Now, "yyyy-mm-dd") & " 1234 ABC" & item.subject
End Sub

(You could use .To instead of recipients add.)
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Thanks for the quick response I will give a try and let you know how I get on.


[DOUBLEPOST=1442407170][/DOUBLEPOST]Hi I pasted this code in and get a debug message on the second line. Any ideas why as much as I want to get this to work I also want to understand why it works.

Array index means the item identified as the first one in the selection isn't found - but I'm not able to repro it, as you should always have something selected. The (1) means the first selection, so it works even if you select multiple messages - if you change it to (4) and select 3 items, it'll trigger that error because there isn't a 4th item in the selection.

Plus... you need to use either item or myitem... but that will give you error #424 on the next line. if you had a contact or appointment selected, you'd get #438...

BTW, if you want to keep the existing subject, add & item.subject at the end of the subject line.
After understanding what the code means from your description above I now have my Macro fully working and have set it up from a custom button.

Thank you.

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