Bob Franklin
New Member
- Outlook version
- Outlook 2016 64 bit
- Email Account
- Exchange Server
Hello, I belong to the development industry and I develop mobile applications and websites. I have joined this community to get an issue resolved with the help of you guys. We use outlook for our official communications in the office as well as with our business clients. However, from past few days, I am trying to forward an email to my outlook account from a third party platform but it is not showing or received in my Outlook account. I am surprised because the platform I am using to forward email says the email has been successfully sent but I didn’t get it in my inbox or any other folder. Now I would like your valuable comments on what is the reason behind this? Is it possible that the platform I am using to forward email is unsecured or untrusted? Does Outlook block emails from such websites or platforms that are either suspicious or maliciously infected? I don’t know as I am a developer and I have never been into this so far.