item_send event

  • Thread starter Thread starter Gilles LEBRET
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There is a little problem with Item_send event in OL2003.

Supose you have this code in your vba project :

Private Sub Application_ItemSend(ByVal Item As Object, Cancel As Boolean)

msgbox "Hello"

end sub

You are expected to see "ok" every time you send a email. This code runs

fine when you compose a new mail directly with outlook.

Now, send a file via "Send to -> recipient" : open explorer file. With the

mouse, right-clic on a file and select : "Send to -> recipient"

A new message appears with you file attached. But If you send it, you do not

see "Hello" : Application_ItemSend event is not fired , even if Outlook

is running or not.

This problem do not occurs if a ComAddin is attached to Outlook : the

ComAddin is able to catch

Application_ItemSend when file is sent from explorer (even if Outlook is

running or not).

We would like to understand why a difference exists between VBA and Comaddin

> .

Is there any workaround to force VBA to catch event when file is sent from

explorer ?


Gilles Lebret
Send To uses Simple MAPI to open or send Outlook items. The Inspectors

opened as a result of a Simple MAPI command do not fire the NewInspector()

event, and are opened modally. They do add an Inspector to the Inspectors

collection, but there is no event that fires when the Simple MAPI Inspector


The way I usually handle this is to use a timer to check for Inspectors that

aren't already being handled by NewInspector(). That requires flags to

interlock handling so you don't handle an item twice or miss one, plus you'd

need wrapper classes that declared MailItems WithEvents so you can handle

their Send() events. I add each wrapper class to a collection to keep it

alive, updating the collection for each new Inspector and for each one that


I do however handle all this using addins. VBA code is just for prototyping

in Outlook or personal macros, it's not good for deploying or distributing


"Gilles LEBRET" <> wrote in message

> Hi,
> There is a little problem with Item_send event in OL2003.

> Supose you have this code in your vba project :

> Private Sub Application_ItemSend(ByVal Item As Object, Cancel As Boolean)
> msgbox "Hello"
> end sub

> You are expected to see "ok" every time you send a email. This code runs
> fine when you compose a new mail directly with outlook.

> Now, send a file via "Send to -> recipient" : open explorer file. With the
> mouse, right-clic on a file and select : "Send to -> recipient"
> A new message appears with you file attached. But If you send it, you do
> not see "Hello" : Application_ItemSend event is not fired , even if
> Outlook
> is running or not.

> This problem do not occurs if a ComAddin is attached to Outlook : the
> ComAddin is able to catch
> Application_ItemSend when file is sent from explorer (even if Outlook is
> running or not).

> We would like to understand why a difference exists between VBA and
> Comaddin .
> Is there any workaround to force VBA to catch event when file is sent from
> explorer ?

> Thanks

> Gilles Lebret


thanks for your answer.

one question about your sample code (wrapper class ) :

Where must I put this code ?

If it is in ComAddin, this won't help me because I already know that my

ComAddin catch event when using SendTO.

Could I put this wrapper class into outlook VBA ?

<> a écrit dans le message

de news: %23mxgJdN$KHA.1892@TK2MSFTNGP05.phx.gbl...
> Send To uses Simple MAPI to open or send Outlook items. The Inspectors
> opened as a result of a Simple MAPI command do not fire the NewInspector()
> event, and are opened modally. They do add an Inspector to the Inspectors
> collection, but there is no event that fires when the Simple MAPI
> Inspector opens.

> The way I usually handle this is to use a timer to check for Inspectors
> that aren't already being handled by NewInspector(). That requires flags
> to interlock handling so you don't handle an item twice or miss one, plus
> you'd need wrapper classes that declared MailItems WithEvents so you can
> handle their Send() events. I add each wrapper class to a collection to
> keep it alive, updating the collection for each new Inspector and for each
> one that closes.

> I do however handle all this using addins. VBA code is just for
> prototyping in Outlook or personal macros, it's not good for deploying or
> distributing code.

> >


> "Gilles LEBRET" <> wrote in message
> news:%23W1gfvJ$KHA.1700@TK2MSFTNGP02.phx.gbl...
> > Hi,
> > There is a little problem with Item_send event in OL2003.

>> Supose you have this code in your vba project :

>> Private Sub Application_ItemSend(ByVal Item As Object, Cancel As Boolean)
> > msgbox "Hello"
> > end sub

>> You are expected to see "ok" every time you send a email. This code runs
> > fine when you compose a new mail directly with outlook.

>> Now, send a file via "Send to -> recipient" : open explorer file. With
> > the mouse, right-clic on a file and select : "Send to -> recipient"
> > A new message appears with you file attached. But If you send it, you do
> > not see "Hello" : Application_ItemSend event is not fired , even if
> > Outlook
> > is running or not.

>> This problem do not occurs if a ComAddin is attached to Outlook : the
> > ComAddin is able to catch
> > Application_ItemSend when file is sent from explorer (even if Outlook is
> > running or not).

>> We would like to understand why a difference exists between VBA and
> > Comaddin .
> > Is there any workaround to force VBA to catch event when file is sent
> > from explorer ?

>> Thanks

>> Gilles Lebret


You can create wrapper classes in VBA just as you can in VB or C#. You can

add instances of the classes to a collection in VBA to keep them alive. Just

create a new class and add your WithEvents declarations to the class so it

can handle events for the Inspector and item.

The main problem is using timers in VBA code. You'd need to use VB-type code

to create and handle a Win32 system timer. There are examples of that for

VB6 at, which can be adapted to VBA code.

"yves pion" <> wrote in message

> Hello,
> thanks for your answer.

> one question about your sample code (wrapper class ) :

> Where must I put this code ?

> If it is in ComAddin, this won't help me because I already know that my
> ComAddin catch event when using SendTO.
> Could I put this wrapper class into outlook VBA ?
> Thanks.
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