I would hold off on installing the sp1 on Exchange 2010. Currently there is a problem with OWA with users not being able to delete emails and it seems to have no complete resolution or explanation .. google it ..it also has varying and numerous symptoms. I am currently experiencing this problem and had I known about it I would have held off until Microsoft officially acknowledged it and supplied a patch for it. In fact I am considering just removing sp1.
Except you can't remove Exchange service packs.
You would have to remove Exchange 2010 and reinstall it.
I have many Exchange 2010 deployments out in the field and haven't seen any issues with regards to deleting emails.
What tends to be the case is that a few people will have a problem and will post, and this will attract other people. However on the basis of how many installations have gone through, it will be a very small number.
Furthermore, unless someone calls Microsoft support and gets them to work through it, it is unlikely that the issue will be resolved - Microsoft may well be aware of the issue, but until the release notes for each rollup come out, it is hard to say if that is the case or not.
Simon Butler, Exchange MVP
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