[SOLVED] Outlook-Hotmail Birthday Calendar changed by one day

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Paul Tate

Outlook version
Outlook 2010 64 bit
Email Account
I have recently purchased a new PC with Windows 7 / Office 2010. I set up Outlook to link with my Hotmail account and eventually got all my calendars set up the way I wanted them. I have just discovered that all of my birthdays have shifted forward by one day - this has happened in both birthday calendars and in the contact information in both Outlook and Hotmail.

I have seen similar posts that suggested the problem might be with timezone and DST settings and have checked these. I live near Brisbane Australia which does not observe DST (and therefore I do not get the option of selecting automatic DST adjustment) and wonder whether this might be the cause of the problem.

Would really appreciate a solution - or at least a work-around.

Thanks in advance, Paul
As long as you have the correct time zone settings for your time zone, the times wouldn't change UNLESS you changed the time zone on the computer - syncing to phones etc that have a different time zone can also cause problems. Did you verify the account online is using the correct time zone?

Are they off an by whole hours or a full day? I've heard reports that hotmail doesn't handle time zone issues for all day events as well as outlook does and it moves them a full day. (not that outlook does very good :)).

Were the events created in outlook or hotmail? Outloko 2010 doesn't set a time zone on all day events so they should float better - but i don't know how hotmail handles these events.
Thanks for the response Larry. I think your comment about syncing to phones might be on the right track, although my iPhone is set to the right zone. I have set up a few tests to check the hypothesis.
Problem was with iPhone sync vai iTunes. Have solved by sync'ing iPhone via Active Sync instead.
While i happen to think ActiveSync is the best way to sync iphones with hotmail accounts, for those who (for whatever reason) want to use itunes to sync, the newest Outlook Hotmail Connector supposedly solves the birthday date problem.
I am having this problem also. In hotmail calendar, my birthdays are correct. However, I wanted to be notified 12 hours before the birthday as a reminder. The sync changed the birthdays to the day before the actual birthday. Is there an ETA on the fix?



Anderson, IN
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