How to switch my list view back to normal view

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Outlook version
Outlook 2010 64 bit
Email Account
Exchange Server
Hello all,I have a problem with my mail view.. I accidentally clicked something which changed my mail view to a list view.. like the first pic.. But i want it back as the 2nd pic, where i can see on a second line the subject ... I searched but could not find the option to switch it back. Does anyone know how to get it back?It's all about the middle column... I want it to be the same again as the 2nd pic..

Capture.jpg OutlookConversationView.jpg
single line view is based on the width of the message list - make the preview pane wider and it will go back to two lines or go to View tab, View settings - and in other settings button, change how wide the message list can be before it goes to one line.
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