Importing RSS on another computer (and feed locations)

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Outlook 2021 64 bit
Email Account
Where does Outlook get/save the information on where to store RSS feeds (and the info on which RSS items have already been downloaded and read)? Can this be shared between computers, or somehow exported and re-imported (which would be extremely useful when setting up a new computer and migrating the data there)?

I have a separate PST file just for RSS feeds and other subscription emails, so no RSS is ever delivered to the default PST box. Well, my laptop is out of order, and I had to set up my old computer. No data lost, and I copied all PST files over. I imported RSS feeds from the OPML file. Upon receiving new items, the folder structure was set up "automatically" in the default RSS folder, and most items were downloaded there. However, some items got downloaded to the correct PST file (the one where I keep RSS on my main computer). How did Outlook "decide" where to put which (I didn't really notice any pattern)? (Of course ideally everything should go to that separate PST file... without having to go through feeds one by one manually...)
Did you reuse the old pst files from your old computer? The delivery data is stored in a hidden message in the data file - I have not looked at it when a separate pst is set up, but in mailbox where the feeds go into custom folders, the hidden message is in the Inbox. It can't be shared using the opml file or anything expressly sharable, but the hidden messages may be reused if you reuse the data file.

You can use MFCMAPI to browse inside a pst file.
No, there were no PST files on the old computer anymore - just Outlook which hadn't run in two years or so. Before starting anything, I copied all PST files from the laptop's disk (needless to say, the Outlook session there had not been closed "gracefully", since the laptop had BSOD-ed). I had to remove old RSS subscriptions on the old computer, prior to importing current subscriptions (from the laptop) via the OPML file. I guess something broke the delivery locations along the way.
Well, I opened the main PST with that tool. Which item exactly is the hidden message (I either couldn't find it, or it isn't there anymore)? Should Outlook be shut down when opening the pst file with MFCMAPI?
no, outlook does not need to be closed to use mfcmapi.
Open your profile in mfcmapi, double click on the default data file (if you have more than one data file) then expand the tree to find the inbox. right click on the inbox folder and choose open associated contents. The RSS feeds are listed there.
Hmm, should all of them be there, or is that just IPM.Configuration.RssRule item? I'm enclosing the screenshot of what the associated contents looks like.

Also, I've just noticed that several feeds have "Pending" under "Last Updated On" (under Account Settings > RSS feeds). What could have caused this?

Is there any way (or tool) to find and remove duplicates in folders? A lot of RSS feeds' items were re-downloaded for some reason, so there's a lot of redundancy in their respective folders.
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