How do I get rid of the underscores when replying to a message in Outlook 2010

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Outlook version
Outlook 2016 32 bit
Email Account
This is driving me crazy! OK, crazier. LOL When I reply to a message in Outlook 2010, that reply appears in the person's message with underlines for the first two lines. I finally got the text changed to black after many tries, but I cannot get the underlines to disappear even though I have underline set to None. This was done by clicking on the 'files' tab/options/mail/Stationery and Fonts button/ Personal Stationery tab and finally Replying or Forwarding and clicking the font tab. I have the underline set to (none). Hopefully someone on here has the trick to fix this. Also, for some reason I can't use the 'enter' key on my keyboard to move to the next line, so everything is in one paragraph. Any help on that would also be appreciated since I know this is hard to read. Thanks so much, Judy F., SW Florida - USA
Re: How do I get rid of the underscores when replying to a message in Outlook

I think that is the problem - you are setting it to none for the selected text, but the other text isn't getting changed. I've seen this before, now if i could only remember the cause and how to fix it without editing the registry. :)

Close Outlook, open the registry edit and delete these and similar values from the MailSettings key. That will set the fonts back to the default - if you want to change the font, do so, but so not touch the underline value.



Re: How do I get rid of the underscores when replying to a message in Outlook

Hi Diane, just so you know, I am really gun shy about messing with the registry in case something gets goofed up. But I decided to follow your steps and I am stuck. I got to the part about 15.0 and I don't have 15.0. I have 14.0 and as I follow through with the remainder of your instructions, everything is there that you mention. What is the difference and should I use the 14.0. Thanks, Judy F., SW Florida - USA
Re: How do I get rid of the underscores when replying to a message in Outlook

Sorry about that - i forgot to change it to 14 (your version). Export MailSettings key (right click, export) before deleting the values from the right side. This way you can restore them if you goof up. But its not anything that will cause outlook to not work or the computer to act goofy.
Re: How do I get rid of the underscores when replying to a message in Outlook

Thanks Diane, I will work on this tomorrow when I'm more awake. LOL
Re: How do I get rid of the underscores when replying to a message in Outlook

Maybe I will remember the non-registry method now that I'm more awake. :)

Hi Diane, well I finally got around to try your solution and I followed your instructions and I am now getting blue text, which I had changed to black, but that's no big deal, but I am still getting the underlines on some of my replies. I can't figure out what is different between one and another reply, they are all replies or reply alls. Any other ideas? Thanks, Judy F., SW Florida - USA
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