Search Folder of flagged messages including "tracked conversations"

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Mark Rideout

Outlook version
Outlook 2013 32 bit
Email Account
Exchange Server
(Outlook 2013, Office 365)

I'm trying to create a custom search folder that includes flagged and\or high priority emails. I successfully added the Query Builder to the search criteria dialog ( so I can "or" these conditions. For flagged emails I'm using "Follow Up Flag is not empty" or "Flag Status equals Followup Flag". This works great except for emails that are flag as part of a "tracked conversation".

When I "set flag" an email on my Windows Phone, and that email is already in a conversation with one or more flagged messages, it seems that the email "flag" is somehow set different.

Outlook info pane says "This message is part of a tracked conversation" -- what search criteria can I use to see these messages also?

This is similar to the post here:
but even with Outlook 2013 the conversation view is not showing additional messages in the conversation in the my custom search folder

Any thoughts? Is there any way to see what properties Outlook uses to identify that the message is part of a tracked conversation? I noticed that this info banner doesn't show up on all messages that are in the conversation, only the messages that I flag using Windows Phone that are in a conversation.

I don't think you can do this, but will test some things and see if there is a way to make it work.

You can look at the data file using mfcmapi to see all the hidden properties. if both flagged and unflagged messages are tagged, you can use it in a sql query.
Thanks. I will take a peek at mfcmapi. I'm currently working around the issue by doing the "show messages from all folders in expanded view" which although shows all messages in a flagged conversation, it keeps me from losing any.
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