How to speed up a search on a shared mailbox folder

  • Thread starter Thread starter Enrique
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Hi everybody,

I'm really stuck with the following problem:

Users: Outlook 2003

Server: Exchange 2003

We have to perform searches in a shared mailbox which contains thousends of

emails and look for specifics matches in a custom property ( there is a issue

about this and soon i will write a post just about this)

As a search method i use the restrict method through all the items of a

folder in a shared mailbox. The first time I use the method it takes 40

seconds. Inmediatly subsequent searches take only 1 second. If I search

again about 10 minutes after the first search for this folder i get again the

40 seconds delay where Outlook is like bloqued with that exclamation sign.

Unfortunally this time is not acceptable for us because sometimes we have to

search in a couple of folders. But if i search every 2-3 minutes i never get

this problem, even if a made it for a longer period of 10 minutes.

My questions:

How to maintain the data in a state where the next search is executed "as I

said in one second" even if i didn't search for a while?

Which criteria uses Outlook to decide if a "synchronization" is needed?

After lot of tests i would say 10 minutes is the criteria but sometimes in

searches within 9 minutes this syncronization was executed and sometimes not

even for a longer period of 10 minutes between searches.

Note: I'd like to add that our Internet connection is really fast. I see

changes in this shared mailbox folder made by my colleagues withing 1-2

seconds or even less. Also say that at the moment for this approach a macro

is our solution. Add-In maybe in the future if everything works fine.

Lot of thanks in advance.
See the Redemption ( and its Restrict* classes. That search

is lightning fast.

Best regards

Michael Bauer

Am Wed, 19 Aug 2009 10:34:02 -0700 schrieb Enrique:

> Hi everybody,

> I'm really stuck with the following problem:

> Users: Outlook 2003
> Server: Exchange 2003

> We have to perform searches in a shared mailbox which contains thousends

> emails and look for specifics matches in a custom property ( there is a

> about this and soon i will write a post just about this)

> As a search method i use the restrict method through all the items of a
> folder in a shared mailbox. The first time I use the method it takes 40
> seconds. Inmediatly subsequent searches take only 1 second. If I search
> again about 10 minutes after the first search for this folder i get again

> 40 seconds delay where Outlook is like bloqued with that exclamation sign.
> Unfortunally this time is not acceptable for us because sometimes we have

> search in a couple of folders. But if i search every 2-3 minutes i never

> this problem, even if a made it for a longer period of 10 minutes.

> My questions:

> How to maintain the data in a state where the next search is executed "as

> said in one second" even if i didn't search for a while?

> Which criteria uses Outlook to decide if a "synchronization" is needed?
> After lot of tests i would say 10 minutes is the criteria but sometimes in
> searches within 9 minutes this syncronization was executed and sometimes

> even for a longer period of 10 minutes between searches.

> Note: I'd like to add that our Internet connection is really fast. I see
> changes in this shared mailbox folder made by my colleagues withing 1-2
> seconds or even less. Also say that at the moment for this approach a

> is our solution. Add-In maybe in the future if everything works fine.

> Lot of thanks in advance.
Hello Michael,

Thanks for the tips but at the moment I can't follow this way with Redemption.

My IT would never allow me to use a COM object. They don't even let me

install Outlook Spy. And it's a shame because i'd like to explore this way.

My problem is not with the method selbst but with this "requesting data from

server every ... 10 minutes" Solve these Restrict classes this problem for

Outlook 2003 ??

Anyway, as a desperate idea i'm even thinking of perfoming in the background

a silly search every let's say 7 minutes which takes maybe 2-3 seconds so in

the next "real" search we don't spend theses 30-40 seconds

Thanks for your answer, Enrique.

"Michael Bauer " wrote:

> See the Redemption ( and its Restrict* classes. That search
> is lightning fast.

> > Best regards
> Michael Bauer

> > >

> Am Wed, 19 Aug 2009 10:34:02 -0700 schrieb Enrique:
> > Hi everybody,
> > I'm really stuck with the following problem:
> > Users: Outlook 2003
> > Server: Exchange 2003
> > We have to perform searches in a shared mailbox which contains thousends

> of
> > emails and look for specifics matches in a custom property ( there is a

> issue
> > about this and soon i will write a post just about this)
> > As a search method i use the restrict method through all the items of a
> > folder in a shared mailbox. The first time I use the method it takes 40
> > seconds. Inmediatly subsequent searches take only 1 second. If I search
> > again about 10 minutes after the first search for this folder i get again

> the
> > 40 seconds delay where Outlook is like bloqued with that exclamation sign.
> > Unfortunally this time is not acceptable for us because sometimes we have

> to
> > search in a couple of folders. But if i search every 2-3 minutes i never

> get
> > this problem, even if a made it for a longer period of 10 minutes.
> > My questions:
> > How to maintain the data in a state where the next search is executed "as

> I
> > said in one second" even if i didn't search for a while?
> > Which criteria uses Outlook to decide if a "synchronization" is needed?
> > After lot of tests i would say 10 minutes is the criteria but sometimes in
> > searches within 9 minutes this syncronization was executed and sometimes

> not
> > even for a longer period of 10 minutes between searches.
> > Note: I'd like to add that our Internet connection is really fast. I see
> > changes in this shared mailbox folder made by my colleagues withing 1-2
> > seconds or even less. Also say that at the moment for this approach a

> macro
> > is our solution. Add-In maybe in the future if everything works fine.
> > Lot of thanks in advance.

You're not going to be able to avoid the problem unless you use a MAPI

restriction such as from Extended MAPI or Redemption. Delegate mailboxes are

not cached so any local restriction will only be kept as long as Outlook

decides to keep it, which is not adjustable.

Doing anything on a background thread using the Outlook object model will

end up crashing or hanging Outlook, unless you synch back that thread to the

main thread, which defeats the purpose.

You might want to see if using SetColumns()/ResetColumns() helps, but unless

you end up with Outlook 2007 and its Tables or Redemption and MAPITables or

restrictions I'm afraid you'll just have to live with the problem.

"Enrique" <Enrique> wrote in message
> Hello Michael,

> Thanks for the tips but at the moment I can't follow this way with
> Redemption.
> My IT would never allow me to use a COM object. They don't even let me
> install Outlook Spy. And it's a shame because i'd like to explore this
> way.
> My problem is not with the method selbst but with this "requesting data
> from
> server every ... 10 minutes" Solve these Restrict classes this problem
> for
> Outlook 2003 ??

> Anyway, as a desperate idea i'm even thinking of perfoming in the
> background
> a silly search every let's say 7 minutes which takes maybe 2-3 seconds so
> in
> the next "real" search we don't spend theses 30-40 seconds

> Thanks for your answer, Enrique.
Thanks for your answer Ken.

But now I've got another question. You say that I will have the data as long

as Outlook decides to keep it but i've have made the following tests with

unexpected results:

Client A: Outlook 2003 running a macro.

Client B: Outlook 2003 running the same macro.

Both use the search method (.restrict) on the same shared folder.

00:00 Search with Client A. It takes 40 seconds.

00:08 Search with Client A again. It takes 40 seconds. More or less.

00:09 Search with Client A. It takes 1 second.

That was expected. But:

00:30 Search with Client A. It takes 40 second.

00:31 Search with Client B. It takes 1 second !!!!!

I've have made lot of searches and the tendence remains similar.

So it doesn't depend only of Outlook but also on the server.

I've discard these kind of tricks as you recommended but I'll be happy if

someone could explain this issue. I also found other curious results but

don't want to mention them now to let the thread clear.

Thanks in advance,


> You're not going to be able to avoid the problem unless you use a MAPI
> restriction such as from Extended MAPI or Redemption. Delegate mailboxes are
> not cached so any local restriction will only be kept as long as Outlook
> decides to keep it, which is not adjustable.

> Doing anything on a background thread using the Outlook object model will
> end up crashing or hanging Outlook, unless you synch back that thread to the
> main thread, which defeats the purpose.

> You might want to see if using SetColumns()/ResetColumns() helps, but unless
> you end up with Outlook 2007 and its Tables or Redemption and MAPITables or
> restrictions I'm afraid you'll just have to live with the problem.

> >


> "Enrique" <Enrique> wrote in message
> > Hello Michael,
> > Thanks for the tips but at the moment I can't follow this way with
> > Redemption.
> > My IT would never allow me to use a COM object. They don't even let me
> > install Outlook Spy. And it's a shame because i'd like to explore this
> > way.
> > My problem is not with the method selbst but with this "requesting data
> > from
> > server every ... 10 minutes" Solve these Restrict classes this problem
> > for
> > Outlook 2003 ??
> > Anyway, as a desperate idea i'm even thinking of perfoming in the
> > background
> > a silly search every let's say 7 minutes which takes maybe 2-3 seconds so
> > in
> > the next "real" search we don't spend theses 30-40 seconds
> > Thanks for your answer, Enrique.

There are a lot of factors that can influence things like how long Outlook

holds references to things: available memory, what and how many other

applications are running, etc. All you can do is optimize your code and live

with that, or investigate other API's that may be faster.

"Enrique" <Enrique> wrote in message
> Thanks for your answer Ken.

> But now I've got another question. You say that I will have the data as
> long
> as Outlook decides to keep it but i've have made the following tests with
> unexpected results:

> Client A: Outlook 2003 running a macro.
> Client B: Outlook 2003 running the same macro.

> Both use the search method (.restrict) on the same shared folder.

> 00:00 Search with Client A. It takes 40 seconds.
> 00:08 Search with Client A again. It takes 40 seconds. More or less.
> 00:09 Search with Client A. It takes 1 second.

> That was expected. But:

> 00:30 Search with Client A. It takes 40 second.
> 00:31 Search with Client B. It takes 1 second !!!!!

> I've have made lot of searches and the tendence remains similar.
> So it doesn't depend only of Outlook but also on the server.

> I've discard these kind of tricks as you recommended but I'll be happy if
> someone could explain this issue. I also found other curious results but
> don't want to mention them now to let the thread clear.

> Thanks in advance,
> Enrique
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