I want to filter my inbox by searching for a single persons name.
I have done my best to follow the instructions on getting this vba code to run:
Sub SearchByAddress()
Dim myOlApp As New Outlook.Application
Dim ns As Outlook.NameSpace
Dim strFilter As String
Dim oContact As Outlook.ContactItem
Set ns = myOlApp.GetNamespace("MAPI")
Set oContact = ActiveExplorer.Selection.Item(1)
' use oContact.FullName to search on the name
strFilter = oContact.Email1Address
Set myOlApp.ActiveExplorer.CurrentFolder = ns.GetDefaultFolder(olFolderInbox)
txtSearch = "fromkirsten collins)" & strFilter
myOlApp.ActiveExplorer.Search txtSearch, olSearchScopeAllFolders
Set myOlApp = Nothing
End Sub
I get a type mismatch error on the "Set oContact = ActiveExplorer.Selection.Item(1)" line
Could someone please help?
I want to filter my inbox by searching for a single persons name.
I have done my best to follow the instructions on getting this vba code to run:
Sub SearchByAddress()
Dim myOlApp As New Outlook.Application
Dim ns As Outlook.NameSpace
Dim strFilter As String
Dim oContact As Outlook.ContactItem
Set ns = myOlApp.GetNamespace("MAPI")
Set oContact = ActiveExplorer.Selection.Item(1)
' use oContact.FullName to search on the name
strFilter = oContact.Email1Address
Set myOlApp.ActiveExplorer.CurrentFolder = ns.GetDefaultFolder(olFolderInbox)
txtSearch = "fromkirsten collins)" & strFilter
myOlApp.ActiveExplorer.Search txtSearch, olSearchScopeAllFolders
Set myOlApp = Nothing
End Sub
I get a type mismatch error on the "Set oContact = ActiveExplorer.Selection.Item(1)" line
Could someone please help?