2016 Outlook Certificate Problems

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Outlook 2016 32 bit
Email Account
1. On a brand-new home installation of Office 365 (currently 2016), I opened Outlook and created three new calendars, then copied the very nice Slipstick VBA macro to open Outlook at the calendar with two calendars selected, adapting the cases in the macro in the obvious way. It worked well, briefly, then it wanted a certificate.

2. I created a certificate using SELFCERT. Then using MMC, I found the new certificate in 'Current User/Personal' and copied it (right-click Copy, then right-click Paste) into 'Current User/Trusted Root Certification Authorities'. I was unable to copy it into '(Local Computer)/Trusted Root Certification Authorities'.

3. In Outlook's VBA editor, I signed Project1 with this certificate. Then I exited Outlook, saving the project.

4. Every time I opened Outlook, however, I got the error message, 'An error occurred while attempting to verify the VBA project's signature. Macros will be disabled.' Then whenever I went into the VBA editor, I found that the project was unsigned again.

5. So I deleted the macro, intending to go back to 'Outlook-out-of-the-box' (but understandably I cannot delete Project1). There are now no macros to display, yet every time I start Outlook, I get the same error message, despite the fact that I keep trying to sign Project1 with my certificate. I've also set 'MacroSettings' temporarily to the lowest level, which one would expect should bypass certificates. Thus I am completely stuck, because I cannot even go back to where I was before I started doing all this.

QUESTION: Presumably I am doing something wrong with the Certificate, but I have googled obessively and read numerous blogs on the subject, and tried all sorts of suggestions proposed there, and I can't sort it out. Does anyone have any clues about all this? I know that Windows is obscure, but I have never struck anything like this --- it's held me up for hours.

Windows 10 Pro 1709 on 64-bit desktop, with ESET Smart Security 9, and VPN by Private Internet Access
It worked well, briefly, then it wanted a certificate.
Was the security level changed?

Then using MMC, I found the new certificate in 'Current User/Personal' and copied it (right-click Copy, then right-click Paste) into 'Current User/Trusted Root Certification Authorities'.
Don't move /copy it, you can trust it in the Trust Center or in the allow macros dialog.

(but understandably I cannot delete Project1)
You can delete it from the hard drive. Outlook will create a fresh clean copy the next time you open the VBA editor. It's at %appdata%\microsoft\outlook
Was the security level changed?

Don't move /copy it, you can trust it in the Trust Center or in the allow macros dialog.

You can delete it from the hard drive. Outlook will create a fresh clean copy the next time you open the VBA editor. It's at %appdata%\microsoft\outlook
Fixed! And it all survived reboot! (And apologies for mucking up the reply a few minutes ago.)

1. I deleted the project file as you advised, and everything returned to what it was before I started fiddling with VBA macros. What a relief!

2. After closing and relaunching Outlook a couple of times, I set the Trust Centre's Macro Settings to 'Notifications for all macros' --- I'm not sure whether this was the best choice, but it has worked. When I restarted Outlook, I had to give permission to various certificates, but it was very straightforward to check that each was genuine.

By the way, I had tried various settings of the security level before, but none of them had worked.

3. I then repasted the adapted 'SelectCalendars()' macro text into a new module of Project1, ran it a couple of times to check it, then digitally signed it. I had copied, not moved, the Certificate previously, so I did not even launch MMC --- nevertheless everything worked as it should. (The extra copy of the Certificate should surely not be a problem.)

Thank you, Slipstick, for the very useful macro, and than you very much, Diane, for helping me sort out the Certificate business. It was all too subtle for me.
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