Sending contact vcards sends older version instead of updated version

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Outlook 2016 64 bit
Email Account
Office 365 Exchange
Hi all, I am having a rather strange issue with updating contact cards

When I attempt to send an updated contact vcard, outlook automatically send the older version instead of the updated version. In the past, I was able to "forward" contact once updated. Now, when I forward a contact (after updating and saving) it sends the older version (before the update).

After I create and save a new contact, I click the "forward as business card" option. An email automatically generates with that contact as an attachment. However, that specific contact in the attachment does not house the same information as the newly created contact. Even though it should be the exact same. The attachment either does not contain all the information or it does not contain the notes in the notes portion of the attachment.

This was never an issue in the past. I would forward as both business cards and vcards and the information in the attachment was the same as in my contacts.

This occurs both when creating a new contact or updating an existing contact.

The method I now have to use is to create an email separately, then use a drag and drop feature (which isn't always successful) I have to double check the attachment to match the information. If the information is not the same, I'll have to continue to "forward contact as vcard" or business card until I receive a matching contact attachment. (sometimes it takes 2 tries some times more).

Does anyone know what could cause this or is it something that I am doing that could be resulting in this?
Hmmm. I've never seen this behavior - I wonder if it's something with the People feature (the people card shows data from matching contacts if there are duplicates) or the autocomplete cache. (it's now used in search results). I will try to repro.

Which version and build of Outlook are you using? See File, Office Account for the information.
Hi! Thank you for your reply, sorry it took me until Monday to reply. The build number for my outlook is: Version 1907 (Build 11901.20176 Click-to-Run) Monthly Channel
Is it a contact you've forwarded previously? When you use Forward as business card, the card image is saved in the outlook cache folder - shell:cache then Content.Outlook\8character folder. Outlook is supposed to delete the folder and contents when the message is closed/sent, but sometimes the link between the attachment and message gets broken and its not deleted.

This is my folder - the last folder name varies for everyone, and usually is a different name every day.
Hi Diane, thank you for checking on this. The first time I noticed the glitched it was when updating an existing contact, and the proceeding times they occurred was with both when forwarding a brand new contact and updating an existing one. I will clean out my cache folder to see if that works.

Thanks again!
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