Outlook for Android - Sending from an alias address

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Outlook version
Outlook 2013 64 bit
Email Account
I have been trying to setup some of my accounts on office 365 and see if I can replicate the setup I have with google apps but it is taking some effort and I am stuck on 1 issue - I cannot use Outlook for Android to send email from any email address other than the primary account email address.

In outlook 365 I have one primary mailbox and several distribution lists for which I have send as permission. This allows me to send emails from the multiple domains that I work with. From Outlook itself I can select which distribution list email address I want to send from but on my android phone all that appears is my primary email address. On the Outlook app on my andriod phone there is an option to add alias email addresses - I can do this but nothing changes when I try and set the from address all I can select is the default email address.

There seems to be very few articles out there covering this case and it seems the instances which come close are talking about connecting and sending from other accounts where you have a connection via imap or pop to another providers account. My case is simply to be able to send from the distribution lists as I can from outlook.

Any ideas anyone? Thanks in advance.
My research indicates that using the Android OWA app* or web client is better suited for shared mailboxes. (*Only available for Office365 tenants)

However, while I can see all the shared mailboxes without any special configuration, I can't send FROM those accounts.

I note also that the Feedback menu link goes to a not found 404 page,
You can set shared mailboxes up as an imap account... but that won't give you calendar and contacts and it won't work with send as rights. You should be able to set the addresses up as imap using the same method, but that is not workable if you have many.
View Site or Shared Mailboxes on a Smartphone?
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