Trouble downloading Outlook on an Android phone

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Mike Myers

New Member
Outlook version
Outlook 2010 32 bit
Email Account
I'm having a problem downloading Outlook on my new Android Phone. I can successfully download either the Outlook App for Android---or I can successfully download a copy of Outlook from my Office 365 subscription. In each case I get a message from the "Outlook Team" telling me that I need to sign in to my Outlook account. There's a "sign in " link in the message, but I click it and it takes me nowhere. I can't find a screen on my Android to "sign in" to my Outlook account. So effectively my Outlook account will not work on my Android phone unless I can sign in. But no place to sign in.
Diane that doesn't work for me. My problem is that my main e-mail account--the one I've had for 15 years now and want to keep has a "non Microsoft" ending. I get my desktop internet connection through Charter Telecomunnications. So my e-mail address is "XXX YYYY" That's where my Outlook account is. Now when I download either the Android App or one of my subscription Outlook accounts from Microsoft 365, I'm instructed to "sign in to my Outlook account". But I sign into my Outlook account using my "" ID and password. And when I hit the "sign in" link in the Outlook Team message, I wind up at my MSN account. There seems to be no way that I can get to my account.

It may well be that Microsoft and the boys and girls at Redmond have decided that you can use Outlook on an Android phone only through use of an MSN e-mail account.

What I have not tried yet is seeing whether I can set up an e-mail account on my Android using the address. Maybe in that fashion I can finally get Outlook on my phone.

Any thoughts on how to solve the problem Diane?
If I understand the problem correctly, you either aren't choosing the correct account type - if you are choosing IMAP and it still sets it up using the Microsoft account, you need to misspell the domain so it can't be found ( or work) - this brings up the fields for the server names, where you'll enter the Comcast servers (and correct your email address)

Quickie video:

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