Transfer Autocomplete from Pop to Exchange

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Outlook 2016 32 bit
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In the next week a company I do some work for is changing from a POP to Exchange and therefore I will need Create a new profile and setup as Exchange then import the PST file to the New Exchange Profile which should import emails and contacts, is there anyway I can transfer the Autocomplete?

I know if you are transferring Outlook to a new computer and want to transfer the Autocomplete, you just copy the Stream_Autocomplete file to the new computer an rename the file to match the name of the Stream_Autocomplete file on the new computer, does anyone know if I can do the same thing when setting up a new profile for Exchange.

Hoping someone will know if this will work.
You can do the same - get a list of the autocompletes in the %localappdata%\microsoft\outlook\RoamCache folder - the newest one will be the exchange one. (it may not be created until you send a message). Close outlook, make a copy of the pst's autocomplete, copy the new name and rename a copy of the one you are using now.

Or just get Nk2Edit from and import it.

You can do the same - get a list of the autocompletes in the %localappdata%\microsoft\outlook\RoamCache folder - the newest one will be the exchange one. (it may not be created until you send a message). Close outlook, make a copy of the pst's autocomplete, copy the new name and rename a copy of the one you are using now.

Or just get Nk2Edit from and import it.

Thank you for your reply with NK2 edit, once I have imported the autocomplete, do I just export it to overwrite the autocomplete file that the exchange profile creates?
if you are using nk2edit, it will update the autocomplete file the new account uses.
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