Autocomplete not working on new email account

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Outlook 2016 32 bit
Email Account
I recently added my wife's email address to her Outlook 2010. Doing so created a folder in her Outlook contacts that contains all the contacts that are in the contact list. The problem is that Outlook does not autocomplete any of those email addresses when she starts typing them in the To: field of a new email.

I have gone into the properties of the folder and told it to "Show this folder as an email address book" (actually I think it was already set like that).

Anything else I can try?

Autocomplete only lists people who you've recently sent mail to - as she uses outlook, the list should grow.

If the account is added as an Exchange account (default for, if there is an autocomplete list created on another exchange client or in outlook on the web, it should sync to outlook. But that might only work with Outlook 2016...
OK thanks. But since those email addresses from the account are now contacts in Outlook, shouldn't they be recognized when she started typing them, even though they have never been sent to by Outlook. I did a test and created an email contact in outlook, and when I opened a new email and started typing the email address, it "autocompleted" the address. (Perhaps autocomplete is not the correct term for that function?)
OK thanks. But since those email addresses from the account are now contacts in Outlook, shouldn't they be recognized when she started typing them, even though they have never been sent to by Outlook.
Yes and no... if you type enough of the name to be unique, outlook will resolve it to a contact... its not the same as the 'type ahead' functionality of autocomplete.
Sorry it took me so long to get back. I was going let it be for a while and see if it fixed itself. but still, no. I can type an entire email address that is in the contacts and it does not find it. Or the entire name. And if i click the To: button and go into the Contacts manually from there, I see the email address. I am thinking of going into the web interface, exporting the contacts, and importing them, letting it create duplicates. What do you think?

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