Auto-complete stopped working

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Outlook 2016 32 bit
Email Account
My wife's auto-complete stopped working about a month ago, she told me today.
I checked in Options/Mail/Send and it is still enabled.

I went to take a look at the Stream_Autocomplete file and was surprised to see there were two of them, both with today's date although the time was 3 minutes apart on them. And both about the same size.

Any ideas about what is going on?

Are there two accounts in the profile? Try renaming both - add -old to the file name - and send some mail. Is the address added to the autocomplete?

What is your build number? Have you installed any updates? There was a bug in the autocomplete that came in an update at the end of April, which fits her timeline. It was fixed in an update last week. The reports I saw were about weird display though - not that it wasn't working or was empty.
I finally got around to checking this yesterday. She has 4 accounts in her profile. So I decided to check which ones had the problem and they are all doing autocomplete correctly now. No idea what changed.
I checked for updates like you suggested and Outlook is up to date now. Not sure when it happened.

By the way, what do you think of the fact that she has two active Stream_Autocomplete files? Is that normal?
One of her accounts is, one is POP3 on Godaddy, the other two are IMAP on Hostgator.

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