Sending Messages Without Sending Attachment to CC Recipients

  • Thread starter Thread starter Archimedes50
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Is it possible to send an email to one person and cc 30 or 40 other people on

the same email with sending the attachment to all of the cc recipients?

I saw where another person has already ask this question and what followed

was a whole lot of discussion about exactly what "CC" means but no one ever

answered the question. I don't really care what it means I would just like to

know if you can do it and if so how?
"Archimedes50" <Archimedes50> wrote in message
> Is it possible to send an email to one person and cc 30 or 40 other people
> on
> the same email with sending the attachment to all of the cc recipients?

> I saw where another person has already ask this question and what followed
> was a whole lot of discussion about exactly what "CC" means but no one
> ever
> answered the question. I don't really care what it means I would just like
> to
> know if you can do it and if so how?

No. You have to send two emails. AFAIK...
As far as I know, you can't do this. It's one email that you're sending. It

will go as is to everyone it's addressed to. If you don't want the

attachment to go to the people CC'd, you will have to send the email to them


"Archimedes50" <Archimedes50> wrote in message
> Is it possible to send an email to one person and cc 30 or 40 other people

> the same email with sending the attachment to all of the cc recipients?

> I saw where another person has already ask this question and what followed
> was a whole lot of discussion about exactly what "CC" means but no one

> answered the question. I don't really care what it means I would just like

> know if you can do it and if so how?
Archimedes50 wrote:

> Is it possible to send an email to one person and cc 30 or 40 other people on
> the same email with sending the attachment to all of the cc recipients?

> I saw where another person has already ask this question and what followed
> was a whole lot of discussion about exactly what "CC" means but no one ever
> answered the question. I don't really care what it means I would just like to
> know if you can do it and if so how?

For SMTP as your mail server and when you send your e-mail to the server,

you can only send ONE copy of it.

Your e-mail client compiles an aggregate list of recipients from its To, Cc,

and Bcc *fields* within its UI. For each of those recipients, it sends a

RCPT-TO command to the mail server. The is followed with a single DATA

command that sends the content of your e-mail (headers, blank delimiter

line, and body) to the mail server. So the mail server sees the RCPT-TO

commands to specify the recipients and a DATA command to know what it is

supposed to send to each recipient. Your mail server hasn't a clue and

doesn't care which recipient was in which *field* inside the UI for your

e-mail client.

If you different content get sent in the one DATA command per e-mail send

then you need to send a different message. Send one copy of your e-mail

with attachments to one set of recipients. Send another copy of your e-mail

without attachments to a different set of recipients.
I know this is an older thread, but is there a way to do this at the Exchange Server level? My company has had an epidemic of people sending large attachments to external recipients, and then CCing their entire project team that they did so. Asking them to send a second email is slightly less futile than asking for peace on earth and goodwill toward all men.

I'm actually surprised how hard it's turning out to do this. With attachment-bloat being the second biggest email server issue, just under SPAM, I would have thought there would be multiple ways to do this.

A special SMTP relay for example... checks the RCPT-TO vs the TO/CC/BCC fields from the originating server and replaces the encoded attachment with text saying that an attachment with this name and size was removed before being passed onwards.
I'm not aware of any way to do this but I haven't looked at transport rules - maybe you could reject messages sent internally and externally if the attachment was over xx kb.

The other option would be a macro - at its simplest form, it detects a mix of internal and external addresses and attachments and requires confirmation. At it's most complex, it would remove internal addresses and forward the mail to them instead.

A basis for the first method is here - Check messages you send for number of recipients - Slipstick Systems - it would need a little tweaking.

I think the macro at Reply or ReplyAll with Attachments - Slipstick Systems could be tweaked to handle the second. I'll take a look at it when i get a chance.

Off to check transport rules...
In at least Exchange 2010 (should apply to 2007 and 2013 too) you can create a transport rule based on attachment size - it's not perfect, but it can help users to break bad habits.


30 KB is probably a little small but this is only an example rule.
Macro was easier than I expected -

It could use a little cleaning up, like saving the attachment to a file share instead of temp. Getting people to use it is another matter... there is a version that that checks messages as they are sent but it applies to all messages with attachments (including images in signatures), rather than letting the user choose which ones to send as separate messages.
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