Rule to Forward email but delay delivery 10 minutes

  • Thread starter Thread starter Jake
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I have situation that I'm hoping someone can help me with. I'm trying

to find out if there is a way to have Exchange Server forward emails

from a specific person and with specific words in the subject field to

another email address but delay the delivery by 10 minutes. I know you

can create Rules to forward emails to another address but I can't seem

to find out how to delay delivery by 10 minutes or how to have the

Exchange Server to do it because I need this to work without having

Outlook open.

Is this possible? If so I would appreciate any info or direction on

how to accomplish this.

Thanks in advance!

You can't use VBA on the server. So you might want to ask in a newsgroup for

Exchange for how to solve that.

Best regards

Michael Bauer

Am Sun, 6 Dec 2009 18:59:22 -0800 (PST) schrieb Jake:

> I have situation that I'm hoping someone can help me with. I'm trying
> to find out if there is a way to have Exchange Server forward emails
> from a specific person and with specific words in the subject field to
> another email address but delay the delivery by 10 minutes. I know you
> can create Rules to forward emails to another address but I can't seem
> to find out how to delay delivery by 10 minutes or how to have the
> Exchange Server to do it because I need this to work without having
> Outlook open.

> Is this possible? If so I would appreciate any info or direction on
> how to accomplish this.

> Thanks in advance!

> -Jake
Good point. I'll check over at the Exchange Group. Thanks Michael.

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