phil baxter
Hi all,
I have cobbled together the following code which is triggered by an incoming e-mail event.
It is supposed to automatically add a category to the e-mail (which is the domain name of the sender e-mail).
The script all executes okay, and it appears to be trying to add the right category.
But no categories actually get added.
Any help gratefully received
Running Outlook 2003, exchange server.
PS. Tried this post on different forum and got no responses at all. Hopefully you lot on here are a bit better!
------------------------------------------------------------ --
Public Sub SortByDomain(oMsg As MailItem)
'On Error Resume Next
Dim sDomain As String 'The Sender's domain
Dim oNS As Outlook.NameSpace 'My namespace
Dim oInbox As Outlook.MAPIFolder 'My Inbox
Dim oTarget As Outlook.MAPIFolder 'The domain folder
'If it's not your domain, decipher the domain.
If InStr(oMsg.SenderEmailAddress, "[my domain]") < 1 Then
sDomain = Mid(oMsg.SenderEmailAddress, InStr(oMsg.SenderEmailAddress, "@") + 1)
'Debug.Print sDomain
sDomain = "[my domain]"
End If
Debug.Print sDomain
'oMsg.Categories = oMsg.Categories & "," & sDomain
Dim sSt As String
sSt = "Business"
Debug.Print sSt
AddCat oMsg, sSt
Debug.Print sSt
End Sub
Public Sub AddCat(itm As MailItem, catName As String)
arr = Split(itm.Categories, ",")
If UBound(arr) >= 0 Then
' item has categories
For I = 0 To UBound(arr)
If Trim(arr(I)) = catName Then
' category already exists on item
' no need to add it
Exit Sub
End If
itm.Categories = itm.Categories & "," & catName
' item has no categories
itm.Categories = catName
Debug.Print catName
End If
End Sub
I have cobbled together the following code which is triggered by an incoming e-mail event.
It is supposed to automatically add a category to the e-mail (which is the domain name of the sender e-mail).
The script all executes okay, and it appears to be trying to add the right category.
But no categories actually get added.
Any help gratefully received
Running Outlook 2003, exchange server.
PS. Tried this post on different forum and got no responses at all. Hopefully you lot on here are a bit better!
------------------------------------------------------------ --
Public Sub SortByDomain(oMsg As MailItem)
'On Error Resume Next
Dim sDomain As String 'The Sender's domain
Dim oNS As Outlook.NameSpace 'My namespace
Dim oInbox As Outlook.MAPIFolder 'My Inbox
Dim oTarget As Outlook.MAPIFolder 'The domain folder
'If it's not your domain, decipher the domain.
If InStr(oMsg.SenderEmailAddress, "[my domain]") < 1 Then
sDomain = Mid(oMsg.SenderEmailAddress, InStr(oMsg.SenderEmailAddress, "@") + 1)
'Debug.Print sDomain
sDomain = "[my domain]"
End If
Debug.Print sDomain
'oMsg.Categories = oMsg.Categories & "," & sDomain
Dim sSt As String
sSt = "Business"
Debug.Print sSt
AddCat oMsg, sSt
Debug.Print sSt
End Sub
Public Sub AddCat(itm As MailItem, catName As String)
arr = Split(itm.Categories, ",")
If UBound(arr) >= 0 Then
' item has categories
For I = 0 To UBound(arr)
If Trim(arr(I)) = catName Then
' category already exists on item
' no need to add it
Exit Sub
End If
itm.Categories = itm.Categories & "," & catName
' item has no categories
itm.Categories = catName
Debug.Print catName
End If
End Sub