BCC based upon TO address

  • Thread starter Thread starter Damon Longworth
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Damon Longworth


I am trying to set add an address to the BCC field when a message is sent to

specific address. I have found some code to get the BCC, but do not know how

to find the address in the TO field.

How can I get the TO address into a string?

Private Sub Application_ItemSend(ByVal Item As Object, Cancel As Boolean)

Dim objRec As Recipient

Set objRec = Item.Recipients.Add("MyAddress@domain.com")

objRec.Type = olBCC


Set objRec = Nothing

End Sub
Loop through the Recipients collection and check the Type property, it

will be olTo for anyone in the To field.


On Jan 29, 10:43 am, Damon Longworth

<DamonLongwo...> wrote:
> Hello

> I am trying to set add an address to the BCC field when a message is sentto
> specific address. I have found some code to get the BCC, but do not know how
> to find the address in the TO field.

> How can I get the TO address into a string?

> Private Sub Application_ItemSend(ByVal Item As Object, Cancel As Boolean)
>     Dim objRec As Recipient
>     Set objRec = Item.Recipients.Add("MyAddr...@domain.com")
>     objRec.Type = olBCC
>     objRec.Resolve
>     Set objRec = Nothing
> End Sub
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