Outlook 2016 Searching based on CreationTime

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Outlook 2019 32-bit
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Exchange Server
I am using Outlook 2016 32-bit on a PC running Windows 10. I want to be able to search programmatically (i.e., VBA or VBS) for Contacts based on their CreationTime. I know that one particular Contact has a CreationTime of 20191101132354 (which is the YYYYMMDDHHMMSS value of when the Contact was created). How do I create a Restrict method to lookup Contacts based on their CreationTime?

When I try any of these attempts, they each fail:

"[CreationTime] = 20191101132354"
"[CreationTime] = '20191101132354'"
"[CreationTime] > 20190101000000 And "[CreationTime] <= 20191231235959"
"[CreationTime] > '20190101000000' And "[CreationTime] <= '20191231235959'"


Try formatting the dates in mm/dd/yyyy format - otherwise you need to use serial time. This macro will show you the format the dates are in -

Sub GetTime()
Dim objApp As Outlook.Application
Dim objItem As Object
Set objApp = Application
Set objItem = objApp.ActiveExplorer.Selection.Item(1)

Debug.Print objItem.CreationTime

End Sub

The Immediate window displays 8/6/2019 5:47:34 PM - so that is the format I need for exact matches - dates only should work for between, before, after searches.
Diane, did you mean to attach a macro? I don't see it.


There is a demo macro - so you can see the format of the creation date on your computer - that is the format you need to use. Here in the US is mm/dd/yyyy format by default, but may vary based on time and date formatting.
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