Hi There. I work for multiple schools in a single public school district. I color-code my email inbox by which school the email was received from. (Rather by which school the email sender is at.) Currently what I do is make a Conditional Formatting rule that looks for "Messages From: Doe, John; Smith, Frank; etc" I manually put all of the people in there. I've streamlined this process so that it doesn't take too long. Unfortunately, staff often get added or removed from the different buildings, which means I have to rebuild my rules every couple of months. Also, my high school has so many staff, that I have to make 2 different rules to cover all the names. I've confirmed that the staff peoples' school building is ALWAYS listed under the "Department" properties of their Outlook Contact info. It's also listed under "Company." It would be sooo much easier if I could do something like, "Message From: Department=<Central High School>" Or something like that. It doesn't seem like this is possible 'out of the box' though.... Any ideas how I might make this work? I have Outlook 2016 which syncs up with 365. MS Exchange Server, I believe. Windows 10. -steve